Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Foundation is done!!!

So over the weekend our footings were poured; then the foundation forms were set and then poured. The waterproofing was laid down last Thursday as well. They were supposed to backfill on Tuesday, lumber was scheduled to be delivered today and framing starts on Thursday April, 24th. We will see if they stick to the plan or not. I have to text or call him to see where we are at. It is quite difficult being four hours away from your house while it is being built and having absolutely no idea what is going on with something you spent so much money on.
A view from the road

Front and center, 

Front right corner

From the future driveway

Standing on the dirt pile in the back. This is the bump out for the morning room



  1. Do you mind letting me know what state/county you guys are constructing in? I like how your dampproofing material looks and how clean your site is compared to ours :)

    1. We are in South New Jersey, I actually have no idea what county we are moving to. I couldn't believe how dirty our site was when we were there, I am glad the camera didn't pick up all the trashy details:) There were at least 200 cans of soda or wrappers to fast food joints on our lot. They just backfilled all the trash up next to our foundation.
